:An Intro into a Cultural Subsection of Male Suburban Kampalans
Are you a dude in your midteens to late 20’s? And are you the kind that has cast off restrictive shackles from your expressions of inter-male affection or male joy? Do you often add a calculated glam or tenderness to your apparel? If your answer is a yes to all three, then you, my dude, are on that #YFD_arc; young, free & delicate. Better put, you’re oozing #YFD_energy. You’re in your #YFD_era!
Y – You’re young. It’s not permanent, at least not if taken in the literal sense. Now of course, there’s something to be said about a spirit of youth that can transcend age. But that’s not what we’re on about. Though for wiggle room’s sake, let’s grant that even folks early into their 30’s can lay claim on youth.
F – You’re free. As far as it depends on you. You’ve rid yourself of the impulse to abstain from would-be joys due to decades old misconceptions that are not even definitional to maleness when put under scrutiny. When opportunity permits, you’re not above jesting of the depth of your love for a hommie or two; some jokes more adventurous than others. Better still, you don’t let it stay just in the realm of jokes. In word and affectionate gestures, you’ve let them know of your fondness for them. Needless to say, it’s less about sexuality and more of a free-spiritedness.
D – Aesthetically speaking, you’re delicate. Delicate not in terms of being perishable, but striking a fine and intricate gutsy balance of beauty in how you present outwardly.
In the event that none of this applies to you, left-out reader, perhaps next time you’ll be the main character of our exposition, you narcissist! (We kid!)
With that spelt out, we’ll reserve a deeper exploration of this subject for another feature at another time. Today’s was about initiating an observation. Done!