It’s not uncommon for artists & their teams to keep their cards close to their chests when on the verge of a new year. The exception, as detailed on this writeup, is our co-founder & creative lead Joe (alternate artist name – Kezerod). On the 25th of the coming month, he’ll be setting his solo artistic arc into motion by dropping “What’s There Not to Love About Here?”; the lead single off his upcoming concept EP #WorldsYetToBeConquered. The track will be a trio’s effort, additionally carried by turntable maestro DJ Khurk & arranged and produced by a Scottish ensemble detailed in concept notes soon to be availed.

Along with the release, Kezerod’s set to drop a layout of two upcoming singles from the same EP, featuring two exciting rappers from the scene. He’ll additionally unveil an intro to a visual project about the same concept, a British-Kenyan-Ug artistic collab set to be transdisciplinary accompaniment to the sonic project. Stoked to wade in!