In addition to poetry & podcasting, Rwandan rapper Angell Mutoni is one of the most versatile artists on her country’s hip-hop scene. It only makes sense, since she’s had a deep well of inspiration to draw from.
From her earlier forays into writing short stories at the age of 10, to her later indulgence in spoken word from which she made the jump into her musical pursuit at 18, she’s interfaced with diverse modes of art that have shaped the breadth of her current output.
Angell derives as much musical influence from hip-hop as she does from RnB, soul & mainstream pop. Her eclectic taste is evident in her delivery. For one, she transitions between singing & rapping at some points on a few of her tracks, with seamless abandon. This flexibility comes in handy given the essence of why she makes music in the first place. Passionate about women empowerment, she signals her cause aesthetically, lyrically and tonally, an approach that requires a wide spectrum of expression, which she readily finds available in the musical elasticity she’s cultivated over the years.
Her versatility has also had her collaborating with a range of artists both within and outside Rwanda. In fact, just last year, she featured Ugandan hip-hop artist Lagum the Rapper on “Hit It”; a track from her impressive most recent EP “For Now”
Even into this year, Angell’s not turning down the heat. Her June single “Bounce” & its subsequently beefed up remix are delightful proof of her artistic resolve. And she has us curious where her hunger and range will take her next!