Category: Single
Runtime: 2 min 30s
Genre: Afrobeats
Release Date: 17.January.2025
Rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆- 9/10
#KhurkCulture for the win! Also, this defo has to be in Tungi’s top 3 joints so far. And we won’t take up tens of lines before making that point. Let’s wade in:
Launching out with thumpy yet regal beats, the tune pulls off a sustained masterful balance between energy and poise. The result is equal parts dancey & spacey. On that note, the space itself is instrumentalized into the tune’s secret sauce. In fact, it’s almost like breaking the fourth wall when Tungi croons, “Sloooowly…”, ’cause the piece has the feel of taking its time despite being under 3 minutes.
Productionwise, one gets the impression that a whole lot of pre-execution intentionality went into it all. More than just vocal dispersions and mildly forceful percussive elements, the arrangement is optimized to bounce off the wordplay and overarching concept. Still on the point of concepts, it’s refreshing how there are no pretensions of making any deeper point here rather than a sheer delight of the senses.
“Slowly” is a reunion for the pair, having had one heck of a ball together last year on “Gimme More”. None of the sparks are lost. If anything, there’s more intricate layers going on here. Make this a thing, guys. Like, let’s have some more of this pairing on future joints because the chemistry is evident. In your own words, “We’re not promised everyday!” So have it again, soon!