As the month ends, we’re excited to offer a brief taste of an exciting long-term artistic initiative we’re soon embarking on, dubbed “Communal Fandoms”.

The initial gist of it is to get a few select musical artists to guest-write about their fandoms, on this site, profiling patterns in their followership, & highlighting the lived impact they observe their art to have on its consumers in real time.

Once we’ve done a good deal of that, the second phase is set to be even more exciting. But we won’t give away too much now. Save to say, the initiative would materialize into on-ground physical events with unique twists & a communal angle. Just to put it within perspective, most concerts or performance sessions, however unique, offer truncated pieces of art (music); which is what the audience consumes. In our case though, the goal of the series will be for the fans to consume not just the art but the artist themself. And to achieve that, we’ll stretch the limits of how different artistic disciplines interact, blur the lines between the art and the inspirations that birthed it, & much more. That’s as much as we can say for the moment. Once the guest-written features commence in a few days from now, the concept in all its glory will unfold more openly.

On that note, we’re super-psyched to announce that the first artist to guest-write and kick off the series will be…rapper, singer-songwriter & producer Senté.

Stay on the look to be notified soon about the date for the first guest-written feature!


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