March is slated to cement 2025 as the year of sonic tenacity. The month will see a number of acts step out of their artistic shell. First of such an instance will be prolific producer and new school scenester Ledra who’ll drop “Akangye”, his much teased EP, at the edge (28th) of this ending month, though really functionally speaking it’s a March joint, as it’s when the bulk of initial consumption will kick in.

The coming month will also see our creative lead, Kezerod, release “Worlds Yet To Be Conquered”, his debut solo concept EP on the 27th. He’s set to accompany it with multi-city listening parties in Kampala, Nairobi and Kigali. Additionally, he has tailored a full concept reveal of the project’s narrative to accompany the drop, along with an April visual project. Bring on the sauce!