Title: “Dancé”
Category: Single
Runtime: 3 min 50s
Genre: Afro-dancehall
Release Date: 16.August.2024
Rating: ★ ★★★★★★★☆☆- 8.1/10
Green! This is more on the greener side, though the golden hue slips through. For context, “Rwebembera”, Kohen Jaycee’s upcoming album, utilizes the two colors as visual devices to drive home its overarching concept. As we wait for it with muffled breath, he’s served up a teasy piece here to wet our appetites. Pivoting back to the point of green, the tune puts to sound an unforced liveliness, which gels well with the artist’s conceptualization of the color according to the theme notes he’s put out recently. From the sound of vibrantly chirping birds at the track’s onset, to a rousing call to dance soon after, the tune’s coded with life. As for the hinted gold, well, there’s a regalness to the delivery, even though the subject matter is of the indulgent variety. [Green & gold-coded cover art below]
With a soothing timbre, Kohen opens up the bop, sonically supported by a less-is-more kind of production in the background. The sauce begins to sink in when he gets into that catchy refrain “Tuli mu ki dancé, dancé, laba kyakutte, atakimanyi sigala w’otudde!”
In a delightfully complementary move, Cxnrvd joins in, and it must be noted that his feature is the most cohesive in the track’s overall framework, besides the main man himself of course. Cxnrvd’s mellow, chill and on-theme, and he’s elevated by aptly-placed ethereal harmonies. Mean work!
Then in comes Nutty Neithan! Dude outdoes himself. If Cxnrvd was the most thematic among the support roster, then Nutty takes the slot for the most riotous here. It’s clear he had the most fun on the track, and he charms with a frisky humor and a naughty fervor (pun intended).
Dropping in last, Denesi opts for macho gusto. It’s hard to stand out when you’re the last gun in such an arsenal. But he braves the task sufficiently. There’s a slight stylistic incohesion on his part, coupled with being a bit close to repetitive, but it squares out decently, and his feature lends the track range.
On the whole, Kohen Jaycee & company serve up a genuine thrill. And it has us wondering if the main man can top this magic on the upcoming project. We sure hope he does, no pressure!