Title: “Ngili Ngili”
Category: Single
Runtime: 2 min 29s
Genre: Hip-Hop
Release Date: 11.October.2024
Rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆- 9.2/10
This is *it*. Peak of powers type stuff: Mr Lu*, RVMP, Mars Maasai & BBYY; flair on all cylinders. The characteristically brief tune harnesses the squad’s strengths right from go.
Launched off with a combo of a psych-y sonic background & an infantile folksy play chant, there’s a liberating air to it all. Enter the dense dynamic beats, carpeting some lyrically self-occupied bars from each of the squadmates.
The joint’s further elevated by a rhythmically agile main refrain, dang thing’s irresistible. Caught ourselves bobbing to it. That, and BBYY’s delivery. Not to individualize a collective effort, but her skittish flow did stand out.
On the whole, we have a feasty number on our hands: Productionwise, immaculate. Interesting melodic progression coated around imposing beats & a diverse but cohesive cast at the apex of their chops. I mean… we’re not gonna force ourselves to have any qualms about the tune where there’s none. You have us, XPRSO, thick sauce!